大人向け英語|我孫子駅前 英会話教室ジョージアイングリッシュ

Adult Lessons

Private Lessons (マンツーマン)



We offer private lessons for students who want to study man-to-man.  




We recommend this option to:

1) Beginner students so that they can quickly level up.

2) Students who have special goals such as improving their TOEIC score or preparing to move overseas.




Private students can choose their own textbook, or choose to have their lessons created just for them.

Group Lessons (グループレッスン)



We offer group lessons for students who want to improve their English skills. 




We group our students based on their English levels, ages, and interests.  Hopefully we can find a group of students similar to you.




Studying English can be a great way to make new friends, or to do something exciting with your existing friends!

グループレッスンには「American English File」というテキストを使います。この教科書は各レッスンに文保、語彙、発音



For group adult classes, we use a series of textbooks called American English File. This text focuses on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in every lesson.




There is also a students' page with fun and interesting activities.

Chat Time (フリートークタイム)



We also hope to offer "chat time" every day.  This will be a chance for students to come in a talk with our teachers on a variety of subjects.  Sometimes there will be a special theme, but generally this is a chance for students to talk about whatever they like.

Seasonal Events (イベント)



On holidays, our students meet for lunch or dinner, or for special events such as "flower-viewing" or barbeques.