子ども(キッズ)向け英語|我孫子駅前・柏たなか 英会話教室ジョージアイングリッシュ

Videos to review and help with homework

Fun English (Kinder) October Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Starter October Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Level 1 October Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Level 2 October Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Level 3 October Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Advanced 1 October Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Advanced 2 October Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Fun English (Kinder) September Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Starter September Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3

   Week 4


Level 1 September Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3 & 4


Level 2 September Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3 & 4


Level 3 September Week 1

   Week 2

   Week 3 & 4


Advanced 1 September Week 1

   Week 2


Advanced 2 September Week 1

   Week 2




You need a password to view all of these videos. We have distributed the password to all students, but if you have lost it, please contact us via Line!




We hope that you all enjoy these videos. Please comment on how we can improve them!



Student Levels

Baby & Toddler Class (赤ちゃん)

赤ちゃんクラスはアルファベットと簡単な英語の単語を中心に行います。赤ちゃんの時は「Critical Period」と言われています。小さい時に英語の発音を 繰り返して聞くと、ネイティヴの様に喋れる様になります。


Baby & Toddler Class focuses on teaching correct pronunciation and simple, everyday English words.  During the "Critical Period," babies have the ability to learn and mimic English pronunciation.  Students who study from a young age learn to speak like native speakers.


This class has at least three songs per month.  There is a lot of singing and dancing, and it is a very active class for both children and parents!



For Baby & Toddler Class, we have created our own textbook. In April, we learn about fruits and animals. Below you can look at the pages from Week 1 and Week 2.

Kinder Class (幼稚園)




Kinder Class is for kids only.  Students who have finished Baby & Toddler Class can joing Kinder Class, even if they are young for the level.


In this class, we continue to practice proper pronunciaion.  Students learn to read and write the big and small alphabet.  And they learn many more English words and begin to use simple sentences.


We also learn many new songs and dances form the U.S.A.  Kids will enjoy every lesson!



Kinder Class also uses a series of textbooks that we have created. In May, we learn about the weather, fruits, and vegetables. Below you can look at the pages from Week 1 and Week 2.

Elementary Starter Class (小学生1)


Starter Class is for advanced Kindergarten students, and for beginners in first grade.


We focus on teaching the alphabet with by comparing similar sounds such as D and T. We learn full to answer in full sentences, and introduce simple grammar structures.


Of course, we still have a great time learning through games and songs in every lesson!



Starter Class also uses a series of textbooks that we have created. In June, we learn about the months, birthdays, and things we use in a classroom. Below you can look at the pages from Week 1 and Week 2.

Elementary Class 1 (小学生1/2)



Elementary 1 Class is for students who have finished Kinder Class, and for students age  seven and up who are studying for the first time.


Students sit at a table for some of the lesson and have a more "serious" lesson.  However, these lessons also focus on learning English in a fun way.  Students learn some new songs, play many card games, and learn by using interesting worksheets every week.


Students learn more when they are having fun!

Level1クラスには「My First Grammar Book 1」を使用します。この本はたくさんのカラフルな絵と楽しいライチングエクササイズで詳細な説明をしています。


In Level 1 Class we use My First Grammar Book 1 to learn about grammar. This book has detailed explanations with lots of colorful pictures and fun writing exercises.


「School Phonics Book 1 & Book 2」も使います。Book1は全ての文字の正しい発音を教えます。Book2は母音の短い音を教えます。このシリーズは子供に人気のアプリもダウンロードできます。



We also use School Phonics Book 1 to learn the sound of each letter and Book 2 to learn about short vowel sounds (A,E,I,O,U). This series also has a fun app you can download for Apple or Android.

Elementary Class 2 (小学生2)





Elementary 2 Class is for students who have finished Elementary 1 Class, and for students who are at least seven years old and have some experience studying English.


Students continue to learn English in a fun way, using card games, board games, worksheets, and textbooks.  They focus more on writing than students at younger levels.


Students begin to develop reading and writing skills, while increasing their speaking ability.


Students who finish Elementary 2 should have no trouble with EIKEN Level 5.

Level2クラスには「My First Grammar Book 2」を使用します。この本はたくさんのカラフルな絵と楽しいライチングエクササイズで詳細な説明をしています。


In Level 2 Class we use My First Grammar Book 2 to learn about grammar. This book has detailed explanations with lots of colorful pictures and fun writing exercises.


「School Phonics Book 3 & Book 4」も使います。Book3は母音の長い音と連続の子音を教えます。Book4は連続の母音を教えます。このシリーズは子供に人気のアプリもダウンロードできます。



We also use School Phonics Book 3 to learn about long vowel sounds (A,E,I,O,U) and double letter consonants (sm, fl, pr) and Book 4 to learn about double letter vowel sounds (oo, ou, etc). This series also has a fun app you can download for Apple or Android.

Elementary Class 3 (小学生3)




In Elementary 3 Class, students begin to focus on grammar more than in previous classes. Students must be able to read basic English sentences before they begin this level.


They enjoy learning new vocabulary and grammar and reviewing things they have learned before. 


As always, we focus on learning native pronunciation and rhythm. This class is fun, but challenging!


Many students who finish Elementary 3 can take and pass EIKEN Level 4.

Level3クラスには「My First Grammar Book 3」を使用します。この本はたくさんのカラフルな絵と楽しいライチングエクササイズで詳細な説明をしています。


In Level 3 Class we use My First Grammar Book 3 to learn about grammar. This book has detailed explanations with lots of colorful pictures and fun writing exercises.


「My Phonics Reading, Books 1-3」も使います。このシリーズは興味深い物語を読みながら、自然にふぉにくすを生徒に教えます。



We also use My Phonics Reading, Books 1-3. This series teaches students phonics naturally while reading interesting stories.

Elementary Class 4 & 5 (小学生4&5)




Elementary 4 and 5 Classes are for students who have studied English for many years, and can answer most everyday questions, such as, "What did you do yesterday afternoon?"


Students learn to ask questions themselves and take a more active role in conversation. They continue to learn new words and grammar, and learn to ask questions rather than just answer them.


When they finish this level, they should be able to pass EIKEN Level 4 easily, and some students can even pass Level 3!

Advanced (中学 1 年生~)



These classes are for students who are in junior high school, and wish to continue studying English.  For the first time, students use a textbook much more than cards and worksheets.  JHS classes use a variety of teaching methods, including CD listening exercises and online teaching tools.

Private Lessons (マンツーマン)




For students who wish to study alone, we offer private lessons.  We recommend this option for students who have lived overseas, or previously attended international kindergarten or elementary school, and already have a strong knowledge of English.


Students who have lived abroad have trouble fitting into regular levels.  They know more English than students their age, but they sometimes have difficulty studying with much older students.

More to come (これから)



Currently we only offer the above classes and private lessons.  However, in the future we will offer lessons for other levels.  If your needs are not met by the above levels, please contact us.